Reactec and Cirrus Research collaborate to create a connected worker environment


Data from both Reactec’s HAVwear watch and Cirrus Research’s doseBadge5 Noise Dosimeter can be collected by Reactec’s RASOR an IoT product, for transmission to the Reactec hosted Analytics. Field data is therefore available live for remote supervisors and managers to know first-hand what health risks their deployed workers are facing and be automatically alerted if these risks reach unacceptable levels.

In keeping with the increasing demand for employers to see real-time data of their employee’s environment, this Reactec and Cirrus Research collaboration enables users of both companies’ technology to benefit from a single data repository and reporting platform. Presenting data in a single environment should materially improve an organisations ability to effect meaningful measures to manage their employee’ risk.

Reactec首席执行官Jacqui McLaughlin说:“我们对与Cirrus Research的合作感到兴奋,他是噪音剂量测定法的尊敬的领导者,具有数十年的经验,可以推进噪声测量领域。在推出Rasor时,我们看到了更多此类合作伙伴关系的可能性,使雇主能够更有效,有效地管理员工面临的广泛风险。”

Cirrus Research的销售和营销主管Martin Ellison补充说:“与ReactEC合作并开发共同解决方案的机会,有助于保护和创造许多环境中工人的认识,继续实现Cirrus的创新,发展和进步的研究哲学”。


About Reactec

THE COMPANY: founded in 2001 as a spin-out from Edinburgh University, Reactec began as experts in the characterisation of vibration and its impact. Following the release of the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, the company innovated monitoring technologies to help protect employees from harmful exposure to vibration. The automation and analysis of the large data sets being gathered by Reactec’s vibration monitoring technologies have positioned the company now to offer more holistic connected worker information management.

PRODUCTS: from the first to market on tool monitor of exposure to HAV, the HAVmeter, Reactec raised the bar on giving a practical real-time assessment of HAV exposure by releasing the wrist-worn HAVwear in 2016. Reactec’s monitoring technology is supported by automatic data management infrastructure and hosted on-line analytics. Under strict GDPR compliant technology and protocols, Reactec process monitoring data for over 75,000 UK workers. Reactec released their RASOR communications hub technology in 2019. RASOR enables live data from Reactec’s HAVwear and other third-party Bluetooth enabled monitors to be collated in a single powerful data Analytics while also providing the critical elements of lone-worker functionality.

INDUSTRY: as an industry leader, all of its products are manufactured in the UK and are used in a wide range of different applications within the construction, transport, aviation, manufacturing, grounds maintenance and facilities management sectors.

认证和ISO: Reactec是一个ISO 9001:2015Registered Company and is certified as compliant to the requirements of the Cyber Essential Plus Scheme. Reactec’s HAV monitoring technology has been developed to help organisations meet their legal obligations under the Regulations and their moral obligations in protecting employees from HAV exposure. This includes ground-breaking research published in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.

Clarke Roberts

克拉克(Clarke)是一位高级营销主管,负责通过使用营销组合的各个方面来帮助人们找到Cirrus Research的创新噪声测量解决方案。

He particularly enjoys writing content about product applications, including noise nuisance, occupational noise and environmental noise pollution.


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