“Quantum Outdoor is going to improve so many businesses’ environmental impact management.”: noise measurement expert Craig Storey on the newest remote environmental monitoring solution from Cirrus Research

Cirrus Research很高兴宣布其最新的远程环境监测系统的推出:Quantum Outdoor。Quantum Outdoor以云连通性建立,有望使远程环境监视比以往任何时候都更加直接和访问。量子室外能够测量环境噪音,天气,气体和微粒以及地面振动,是企业和组织的全面解决方案,以全面了解其环境影响。

To mark its launch, I sat down with Craig Storey, one of Cirrus Research’s in-house acoustic experts and a lead project manager of the Quantum product. I wanted to understand more about the problems that Quantum Outdoor will solve and the journey up to this point.

非常感谢您抽出宝贵的时间跟我说话,克雷格。新量子户外远程环境监视器的推出,Cirrus Research的每个人都感到非常兴奋。告诉我您如何参与该项目。

没问题,克拉克。您是对的:对于Cirrus研究来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时刻。Quantum Outdoor与我们以前推出的任何其他乐器不同。它将真正改善人们跟踪环境影响的方式。但是,稍后再详细介绍!这是一个有趣的问题,您问我如何参与该项目。几年前,一个著名的伦敦剧院与我联系,该剧院需要在不同的表演期间不断关注他们在场地的多个位置的噪音水平。我们共同努力开发了一种定制解决方案,该解决方案已演变为量子户外。

That’s fascinating. So, Quantum Outdoor started life as an indoor noise monitor. What made Quantum suitable for the theatre? Why not use one of Cirrus Research’s existing noise measurement instruments?

Like I’ve said, Quantum isn’t like anything we’ve offered before. It’s based entirely around cloud connectivity, rather than being an optional feature like it is with our Environmental Noise Measurement Kit. For the theatre, the solution needed to be something that, once we installed it, could be left alone to do its job. As I’m sure you can imagine, climbing up rigging or scaffolding with a sound level meter isn’t exactly ideal, let alone safe. So, the ability for people to access live and historical noise data from the comfort of their desk on their computer or phone was a real game changer.

The map view on the Quantum Portal showing mutiliple Quantum Outdoor remote environmental monitoring units.
Multiple Quantum Outdoor units can be linked to a single network, where their readings can be accessed wherever they are.

I’m glad you mentioned the cloud because it features heavily in all the promotional material for the Quantum Outdoor. Can you tell me a bit more about why cloud connectivity is so important?


那讲得通。但这并不意味着有人必须在那里不断监视实时数据?否则,任何人将如何know if they need to check in on their noise levels?

That’s a great question. Having someone constantly monitoring the live noise levels isn’t practical or very exciting! So, we’ve made it so that users can get notified when the noise reaches preset levels. People can get notifications on their phones or by email, so they’re always aware of what’s going on without needing to be glued to their screens. The other great thing we can do with the Quantum remote environmental monitoring system is capture an audio recording whenever one of these triggers is set off.



It really sounds as though Quantum has everythingsomeone could need to manage their noise levels. What can someone do with their historical data other than just view it in the Quantum Portal?

是的,很好的问题。你已经说过了,the Quantum Portal lets people access their live and historical data and view it in all levels of detail. But users can also generate noise measurement reports directly from the Quantum Portal and give them to management to back-up decisions they want to make regarding remedial action. But we’re all about flexibility at Cirrus Research, so we’ve made it possible for people to export their data from the Quantum Portal either into our own software, NoiseTools, or to a spreadsheet file format.

Comprehensive weather data is also available with Quantum Outdoor, providing crucial context for noise measurement readings.

我们已经讨论了Quantum Outdoor如何帮助企业管理其噪音水平。但是,告诉我更多有关系统其他功能的信息。

So, Quantum Outdoor is our first fully integrated remote environmental monitoring system. That means that you have one system that measures multiple things. Quantum Outdoor can measure weather; wind speed and direction; air quality, in terms of gases and particulates; and ground vibration. As with noise, all this data is sent directly to the Quantum Portal via its cloud connectivity, where you view it, analyse it and generate reports. The great thing about the way Quantum displays this data is that you can view it alongside all your noise data, giving you much more context and understanding of what’s happening. If there’s a spike in noise levels and wind speed that coincide, you can assume that the wind is responsible rather than something else.

So, Quantum Outdoor is more than just a noise monitor; it monitors all the parameters that a business or organisation could need to get a complete picture of their environmental impact. I’m sure there are other systems out there that do something similar. So, what makes Quantum Outdoor unique?


第二件事是,用户可以调整他们的苏bscription level whenever they want. They can add or remove functionality depending on their needs without being tied into a long contract period. Quantum offers complete flexibility for its users, which is difficult to find with other similar systems. Lastly, I’d say the biggest thing that makes Quantum Outdoor stand out from its competition is the fact that it’s been designed and built by Cirrus Research. You might be thinking, “well, of course, you’d say that”, but there’s a reason we’ve been a market leader for as long as we have. We have more than 50 years’ experience; we’ve continually innovated new technologies to improve the way people measure noise and made it easier for them to protect people and the environment, and our customer service is unrivalled in the industry. You only have to look at our reviews to know that! I honestly believe that Quantum Outdoor will improve so many businesses’ environmental impact management. I can’t wait to talk to even more people about how it could benefit them.

You can check out Quantum Outdoor for yourself completely free of charge by accessing the演示门户。现在可以从Cirrus Research购买量子户外。联系我们的销售团队的成员find out more


克拉克(Clarke)是一位高级营销主管,负责通过使用营销组合的各个方面来帮助人们找到Cirrus Research的创新噪声测量解决方案。

他特别喜欢写有关产品应用的内容,包括噪音滋扰,职业噪音和环境噪音污染。bob bet体育