
我们经常谈论过多的噪音,无论是in reference to occupational or environmental noise, but it’s not very often that we talk about quiet places.


10. Tak Be Ha Cenote, Mexico

Last but by no means least, the cathedral-like underwater caves of the Yucatan Peninsula are among the last unspoiled places in the world. Among its nearly 7,000 caves, the Tak Be Ha Cenote is said to be one of the quietest, with only the occasional sound of dripping water.

您知道:Cenotes是丛林中的淡水孔。有不同类型的Cenotes;开放式和洞穴 - 聚合物。最古老的是完全开放的。


This frozen continent has never been permanently occupied by man with no towns or villages, and a landscape only broken up by the odd research station or expedition hut.

Did you know: Antarctica holds most of the world’s fresh water! An incredible 60-90% of the world’s fresh water is locked away in Antarctica’s vast ice sheet, the largest ice sheet on earth covering 14 million km2

8. Makgadikgadi Pans,博茨瓦纳

跨越3,900平方公里的Makgadikgadi Pan(世界上最大的盐平台之一)位于东北部的干旱沙漠中间Botswana。这就是已解决的Makgadikgadi湖的全部遗迹,唯一的植物生命是薄薄的蓝色/绿色藻类。在干旱季节,该地区几乎没有野生动植物,但是在降雨之后,所有野生动植物都会发生变化,因此,严格来说,这只能在一年中的某些月内列入清单。

Did you know: Studies suggest that modern Homo sapiens began to evolve in this region 200,000 years ago when it was a vast, exceptionally fertile area of lakes, rivers, marshes, woodlands and grasslands.



A survey done earlier this year identified the Swiss city and the least noise polluted in the world, based on people’s hearing ability assessed from 200,000 hearing tests worldwide and research from the World Health Organization on noise pollution across 50 locations.

Extra Trivia: The Top 10 Quietest Cities

  1. 瑞士苏黎世
  2. Vienna, Austria
  3. 奥斯陆,挪威
  4. 德国慕尼黑
  5. 瑞典斯德哥尔摩
  6. 德国杜塞尔多夫
  7. 德国汉堡
  8. Portland, US
  9. 德国科隆
  10. Amsterdam, Netherland

6. Landmannalaugar, Iceland

Looking for quiet open roads? Travellers says the Landmannalaugar in Iceland is hard to beat. Not only can you go miles without seeing anyone there are some incredibly silent volcanic patches all throughout Iceland.


5.英格兰基尔德·米尔斯(Kielder Mires)

终于是英国入场!- 诺森伯兰郡的基尔德·米尔斯(英格兰最大的毛毯沼泽地区)被发现是英国最安静的地方a few years ago, based on factors such as the distance from the nearest road or flight path.

您知道:基尔德·米尔斯(Kielder Mires)坐落在跨越250平方英里的基尔德水和森林公园的西部哨所,是英格兰最大的森林,拥有1.5亿棵树。


莫哈韦沙漠(Mojave Desert)以其野生动植物,飞机或汽车缺乏野生动植物而闻名。炎热的夏季热量使犯罪的游客离开了任何勇敢的旅行者,以享受沉默的声音。

Did you know: This unique and isolated dune system rises more than 600 feet above the desert floor, and the colour of the dunes is created from many golden rose quartz particles.


最终更自然地进入图表;这一平方英寸的寂静in Washington’s Olympic National Park, located within the Hoh Rainforest area of the park. This scrap of wilderness offers a “diverse natural soundscape combined with substantial periods of natural quiet.”






如果您喜欢一个离家较近的无声音会议,那么索尔福德大学which is open to the public on a few dates each year; definitely worth a Google search I think!


Top of our list of quietest places on Earth is the place described as “where sound goes to die”. This Microsoft research lab in the city of Redmond, Washington, is officially the quietest place on Earth, according to吉尼斯世界纪录

技术公司为最佳音频和设备测试而创建的寂静空间是一个无声的室 - 一个隔离的房间,隔离了外部声音,旨在吸收内部声音和电磁波的所有反射,使其完全无回声。

So there you have it! The top 10 quietest places on earth. Have you ever visited any of these eerily quiet spaces?
